Table 2.

Clinicians’ proffered solutions to enhancing SRH care in rheumatology.

Solution TypesNo. of Participants Who Endorsed the Solution With Verbal or Written (In Chat) Feedback
Pre-visit forms or clinic resources
      Patient forms should elicit information about current sexual activity, pregnancy planning, contraception use, and need for OB-GYN referral5
      Patient checklist for contraception use and pregnancy goals4
      Clinic posters, messages on television screens prompting patients to talk to their clinicians about SRH3
      SRH questionnaire provided to all new patients and twice a year for returning patients, with responses autopopulated into clinic note3
EHR tools
      Alert to remind clinicians to review reproductive health during visit4
      Contraception checklist embedded into the EHR4
      Best practice alerts about medication compatibility with pregnancy and lactation4
      Alert if patient has had a tubal ligation, menopause, or hysterectomy so that family planning does not need to be discussed at the visit4
      Smartphrase for pregnant patients, with orders for relevant testing and handouts to add automatically to discharge paperwork3
      Reproductive history template that can be pulled into the clinic note3
      Alert if patient is of reproductive age3
      Alert if a patient is using a birth control method that is not compatible with their disease and risk factors (eg, patients with increased thrombosis risk)2
      Patient instructions about family planning integrated into discharge paperwork automatically2
      Alert if patient is of reproductive age and using a medication with potential teratogenicity1
Referrals to reproductive and women’s health providers
      Referral system established with dedicated OB-GYN and MFM providers5
      Referral to a multidisciplinary team of OB-GYN or MFM clinicians and pharmacists5
      Automatic referral to high-risk obstetrics if pregnant patient has specific risk factors (Ro/La antibodies, antiphospholipid antibodies)3
      Patient referral to pharmacist who has familiarity with safety and efficacy of contraceptives and can advise selection of safe option3
      Automatic referral to OB-GYN if patient desires contraception2
      Automatic referral to OB-GYN is patient is of reproductive age, has gestational potential, using a potentially teratogenic medication, and is not using contraception2
      Dedicated visit with an APP or nurse to discuss pregnancy planning with follow-up visit coordinated with OB-GYN or MFM2
Patient resources
      Brochures, pamphlets8
      Links provided to ACR SRH resources, Arthritis Foundation, Lupus Foundation, Lupus HOP-STEP program4
      Provide SRH resources through electronic patient portal1
Provider resources
      Single website that combines evidence-based SRH resources7
      Quality metric added to rheumatology clinic standards2
      Guidelines for compatibility of radiology imaging modalities with pregnancy1
      Certification in SRH within rheumatology1
      Grand rounds and educational sessions provided by expert speakers1
  • ACR: American College of Rheumatology; APP: advanced practice provider; EHR: electronic health record; HOP-STEP: Healthy Outcomes in Pregnancy with SLE through Education of Providers; MFM: maternal fetal medicine; OB-GYN: obstetrician and gynecologist; SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus; SRH: sexual and reproductive health.