Table 1.

Research agenda.

Medication Adverse Effects
  • What is the population frequency of patient-reported AEs for each RA medication?

  • What is the distribution of bother associated with AEs for each RA medication?

  • What are patient-acceptable levels of AE frequency and bother for clinical trials and shared decision making in practice?

  • How should information on medication side effects be collected in clinical practice?

Online Patient-Centered Research Surveys
  • How do we identify and enroll a representative sample of patients with definite RA using online, web-based platforms?

  • Should investigators complement online surveys with clinic-based recruitment strategies to target male or older populations?

  • What is the best approach to elicit medication AEs, such as electronic symptom diaries?

  • What are the implications for patient education and shared decision making?

  • AE: adverse event; RA: rheumatoid arthritis.