Table 1.

Child demographic and NLE manifestations (n = 324).

n (%)
Female sex165 (51)
    European110 (34)
    Non-Europeana156 (48)
    Mixed European-non-European58 (18)
NLE175 (54)
    Cardiac23 (13)
        1st degree CHB2 (9)
        2nd degree CHB2 (9)
        3rd degree CHB14 (61)
        Endocardial fibroelastosis7 (30)
        Myocarditis5 (22)
    Hepaticb92 (53)
    Hematologic69 (39)
        Neutropenia54 (78)c
        Thrombocytopenia11 (16)c
        Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia4 (6)c
    Cutaneous37 (21)
    Neurologic (benign macrocephaly)13 (7)
  • Data presented as n (%). Median values for neutropenia 0.78 × 109/L (range 0.26–0.99), thrombocytopenia 98 × 109/L (range 63–186), ALT 71 U/L (range 52–314), AST 97 U/L (range 77–280).

  • a Non-European group comprised patients of East Asian (n = 49, 31%), South Asian (n = 42, 27%), African (n = 32, 21%), Latin American (n = 8, 5%), and mixed Non-European (n = 25, 16%) ethnicity.

  • b Age-adjusted normal values were used.

  • c Shown as percentage of patients with hematologic involvement and not of total cohort.

  • ALT: alanine aminotransferase, AST: aspartate aminotransferase; CHB: complete heart block; NLE: neonatal lupus erythematosus.