Table 1.

Baseline patient characteristics.

Apremilast, n = 34MTX, n = 15bDMARD, n = 101
Age, yrs55.7 (12.6), n = 3361.5 (16.6), n = 1552.9 (11.5), n = 99
Female, n (%)20 (58.8), n = 3410 (71.4), n = 1459 (59.0), n = 100
BMI, kg/m234.4 (9.3), n = 3430.6 (8.1), n = 1432.7 (6.8), n = 96
Obesea, n (%)22 (64.7), n = 348 (57.1), n = 1458 (60.4), n = 96
Duration since PsA diagnosis, yrs8.0 (6.7), n = 335.4 (7.8), n = 149.7 (9.4), n = 96
Prior non-bDMARD use, n (%)23 (67.6), n = 342 (13.3), n = 1573 (72.3), n = 101
Prior biologic use (≥ 1), n (%)27 (79.4), n = 343 (20.0), n = 1576 (75.2), n = 101
SJCb (0–66)1.5 (1.5), n = 341.0 (1.1), n = 150.8 (1.3), n = 101
SJC > 1, n (%)17 (50.0), n = 344 (26.7), n = 1526 (25.7), n = 101
TJC (0–68)2.7 (3.9), n = 342.5 (3.3), n = 153.1 (5.9), n = 101
TJC > 1, n (%)17 (50.0), n = 348 (53.3), n = 1539 (38.6), n = 101
SPARCC enthesitis > 0, n (%)6.0 (17.6)2.0 (13.3)20 (19.8)
Dactylitis count > 0, n (%)6.0 (17.6)2.0 (13.3)6.0 (5.9)
Axial disease, n (%)6 (17.6)3 (20.0)22 (21.8)
MDA, n (%)6 (20.0), n = 304 (36.4), n = 1135 (37.2), n = 94
VLDA, n (%)3 (10.0), n = 301 (9.1), n = 117 (7.4), n = 94
cDAPSA score (0–154)14.0 (8.5), n = 3411.5 (4.9), n = 1112.3 (9.1), n = 98
cDAPSA category, n (%)
    Remission (≤ 4)5 (14.7), n = 341 (9.1), n = 1117 (17.3), n = 98
    Low disease activity (> 4 to ≤ 13)12 (35.3), n = 347 (63.6), n = 1145 (45.9), n = 98
    Moderate disease activity (>13 to ≤ 27)14 (41.2), n = 343 (27.3), n = 1130 (30.6), n = 98
    High disease activity (> 27)3 (8.8), n = 340 (0.0), n = 116 (6.1), n = 98
PtGA-PsA VAS score (0–100 mm)47.1 (29.8), n = 3432.5 (26.3), n = 1342.9 (27.7), n = 99
Patient-reported overall pain VAS score (0–100 mm)50.5 (31.1), n = 3446.7 (26.5), n = 1442.7 (29.6), n = 99
Patient-reported fatigue VAS score (0–100 mm)55.9 (30.0), n = 3437.8 (31.9), n = 1541.2 (29.0), n = 101
HAQ-DI score1.0 (0.7), n = 340.5 (0.4), n = 140.7 (0.6), n = 100
HAQ-DI score > 0.5, n (%)21 (61.8), n = 346 (42.9), n = 1445 (45.0), n = 100
Psoriasis-affected BSA, %7.1 (17.6), n = 304.8 (9.4), n = 144.1 (7.8), n = 97
PtGA-PsO VAS score (0–100 mm)47.1 (29.4), n = 3428.4 (16.6), n = 1241.2 (26.8), n = 99
Presence of physician-reported nail psoriasis, n (%)8 (23.5), n = 343 (20.0), n = 1525 (24.8), n = 101
  • Values are expressed as mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated.

  • a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2.

  • b Patients had oligoarticular PsA, defined as ≤ 4 swollen joints. bDMARD: biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; BSA: body surface area; cDAPSA: Clinical Disease Activity Index for Psoriatic Arthritis; HAQ-DI: Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index; MDA: minimal disease activity; MTX: methotrexate; PtGA-PsA: patient global assessment of disease activity-arthritis ; PtGA-PsO : patient global assessment of disease activity-arthritis and psoriasis; PsA: psoriatic arthritis; SJC: swollen joint count; SPARCC: Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada; TJC: tender joint count; VAS: visual analog scale; VLDA: very low disease activity.