Table 2

Mean (2.5–97.5 percentile) difference in costs (€, rounded to the nearest hundreds) and QALY, and ICER with distribution in cost-effectiveness plane (%).

Over 2 years
      Medication costs14,800 (12,000 to 17,600)15,900 (13,100 to 18,600)
      Direct healthcare costs8700 (4100 to 13,400)–1400 (–4700 to 1800)
      Indirect nonhealthcare costs–600 (–1200 to 0)200 (–700 to 1100)
      Productivity loss costs#2500 (–4200 to 9300)–3200 (–9900 to 3400)
      Productivity loss costs$400 (–1100 to 1900)–300 (–1900 to 1200)
      Total cost and effect
            Healthcare perspective23,500 (18,000 to 29,000)14,500 (10,000–18,900)
            Societal perspective#25,300 (17,200 to 33,300)11,400 (3600–19,300)
            Societal perspective$23,200 (17,800 to 28,600)14,400 (9600–19,000)
            QALY0.06 (–0.02 to 0.13)0.03 (–0.05 to 0.11)
                % (SE, SW, NW NE)0, 0, 7, 93(0, 0, 26, 74)
                % (SE, SW, NW NE)0, 0, 7, 93(0, 0, 26, 74)
                % (SE, SW, NW NE)0, 0, 7, 93(0, 0, 26, 74)
Over 5 years
      Medication costs14,600 (9300 to 19,900)17,200 (11,700–22,500)
      Direct healthcare costs19,900 (9700 to 30,300)–2,700 (–9700 to 3800)
      Indirect nonhealthcare costs–4,100 (–5400 to –2800)–2,800 (–4300 to –1400)
      Productivity loss costs#5200 (–8400 to 18,700)–6,600 (–19,900 to 6800)
      Productivity loss costs$1500 (–1900 to 4200)0 (–3300 to 2900)
      Total cost and effect
            Healthcare perspective34,500 (22,200 to 46,600)14,500 (5100 to 23,500)
            Societal perspective#35,600 (18,700 to 52,200)5,000 (–10,500 to 20,800)
            Societal perspective$31,600 (19,600 to 43,600)11,500 (1700–20,900)
            QALYs0.06 (–0.10 to 0.22)–0.03 (–0.20 to 0.1)
                % (SE, SW, NW NE)(0, 0, 23, 77)(0, 0, 65, 35)
                % (SE, SW, NW NE)(0, 0, 23, 77)(8, 18, 47, 27)
                % (SE, SW, NW NE)(0, 0, 23, 77)(1, 0, 65, 34)
  • Outcomes based on single imputation nested in 10,000 bootstraps; costs expressed in euros. TCZ + MTX: initiation of TCZ + MTX strategy group; TCZ: initiation of TCZ + placebo-MTX strategy group; MTX: initiation of MTX + placebo-TCZ strategy group. Medication costs: all RA medication costs; direct healthcare costs: all costs related to healthcare (also for other diseases; RA medication costs excluded); indirect nonhealthcare costs: costs related to patient and family (e.g., travel costs, buying stair lift); productivity loss costs: costs related to work loss or being less productive.

  • Healthcare perspective: direct healthcare cost + medication cost; societal perspective: direct healthcare costs + indirect nonhealthcare costs + productivity loss costs + medication costs.

  • #Using human capital approach.

  • $Using friction cost approach, only counting costs for a period of absence up to 85 days. HC: healthcare perspective; ICER: incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (using societal perspective according to human capital approach); MTX: methotrexate; QALY: quality-adjusted life-years; TCZ: tocilizumab; SE: south-east (gain in QALY, less expensive; i.e., TCZ dominant); SW: southwest (loss in QALY, less expensive); NW: northwest (loss in QALY, more expensive; i.e., TCZ inferior); NE: northeast (gain in QALY, more expensive).