Table 4.

Predictors of renal failure based on a multivariable Cox proportional hazards modela.

Rate Ratio (95% CI)P
Male (vs female)1.69 (0.97–2.93)0.062
History of proteinuria at SLE diagnosis2.75 (1.94–3.89)< 0.0001
Age of SLE Diagnosis, yrs
      30–39 (vs < 30)0.82 (0.53–1.27)0.37
      40+ (vs < 30)0.51 (0.29–0.90)0.019
      African American (vs White)1.82 (1.27–2.60)0.0012
      Other (vs White)1.07 (0.52–2.19)0.86
Low C3 ever (vs never)2.00 (1.32–3.03)0.0011
Positive dRVVT test ever (vs never)1.44 (1.01–2.04)0.043
  • aThe multivariable model was based on only 2351 patients due to missing values for some included variables. dRVVT: dilute Russell viper venom test; SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus.