Table 1.

Baseline demographics and disease characteristics, COAST-V and COAST-W (intent-to-treat population).

COAST-V (bDMARD-naïve)COAST-W (TNFi-experienced)
N = 87N = 90N = 81N = 83N = 104N = 114N = 98
Age, yrs42.7 (12.0)41.8 (11.4)41.0 (12.1)41.3 (11.2)46.6 (12.7)47.4 (13.4)44.2 (10.8)
Male, n (%)71 (82.6)a73 (81.1)68 (84.0)64 (77.1)87 (83.7)91 (79.8)75 (76.5)
BMI, kg/m227.6 (5.7)26.6 (5.6)25.8 (4.0)25.9 (6.9)28.9 (5.6)29.4 (7.3)27.5 (5.4)
Race, n (%)
   Asian28 (32.6)a29 (32.2)25 (30.9)25 (30.1)13 (12.5)14 (12.4)a13 (13.3)
   White52 (60.5)a57 (63.3)52 (64.2)52 (62.7)85 (81.7)91 (80.5)a78 (79.6)
Age of onset of r-axSpA, yrs26.4 (8.4)26.5 (8.6)25.4 (7.7)25.8 (8.2)27.1 (8.8)28.9 (9.6)28.1 (10.0)
Duration of symptoms, yrs16.6 (10.1)15.6 (9.3)15.8 (11.2)15.8 (10.6)19.9 (11.6)18.8 (11.6)16.5 (9.6)
CRP level at baseline, mg/L16.0 (21.0)12.5 (17.6)12.2 (13.3)13.4 (15.3)16.0 (22.3)20.2 (34.3)17.0 (19.8)
BASDAI baseline6.8 (1.2)6.7 (1.5)6.8 (1.3)6.7 (1.6)7.3 (1.3)7.5 (1.3)7.5 (1.3)
ASDAS baseline3.9 (0.7)3.7 (0.8)3.7 (0.7)3.8 (0.8)4.1 (0.8)4.2 (0.9)4.2 (0.8)
SF-36 PCS baseline32.0 (8.3)33.5 (8.3)34.0 (7.5)34.1 (7.6)30.6 (7.8)27.5 (8.3)27.9 (7.3)
SF-36 MCS baseline49.8 (10.8)48.4 (12.4)50.4 (12.3)46.3 (12.6)46.2 (12.6)45.9 (12.3)44.5 (12.7)
ASAS HI baseline8.1 (3.5)8.2 (3.7)7.5 (3.3)8.4 (3.6)9.0 (3.5)10.0 (3.7)10.1 (3.6)
ASAS HI > 5 baseline, n (%)64 (73.6)67 (74.4)54 (66.7)68 (81.9)84 (80.8)99 (86.8)87 (88.8)
EQ-5D-5L UK population index score0.52 (0.22)0.53 (0.22)0.57 (0.19)0.52 (0.21)0.45 (0.22)0.38 (0.24)0.39 (0.23)
  • Values are mean (SD) unless otherwise specified.

  • a Data missing. ADA: adalimumab; ASAS HI: Assessment of Spondyloarthritis international Society Health Index; ASDAS: Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; BASDAI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; bDMARD: biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; CRP: C-reactive protein; EQ-5D-5L: 5-level EuroQol-5 Dimension; IXE: ixekizumab; IXE Q2W: IXE dosed every 2 weeks; IXE Q4W: IXE dosed every 4 weeks; MCS: mental component score; PBO: placebo; PCS: physical component score; r-axSpA: radiographic axial spondyloarthritis; SF-36: 36-item Short Form Health Survey; TNFi: tumor necrosis factor inhibitors.