Table 4.

Highest scoring survey items for strongly agree and agree responses across groups.

Groups and Survey Items
(Survey Item #: Weighted Average %1)
Site ASite B
N (%)
[SA%, A%]
Site C
PatientsThe care providers at the clinic§ responded to all my questions or concerns in a way I could understand. (S11: 94)78 (95) [34, 61]32 (89) [47, 42]49 (96) [65, 31]
Overall, I was treated with respect while I was at the clinic§. (S22: 93)74 (90) [55, 44]35 (97) [66, 34]48 (94) [73, 22]
The care providers at the clinic§ explained the proposed treatment plan to me in a way I could understand. (S12: 90)74 (90) [34, 62]32 (89) [42, 47]46 (90) [59, 31]
SpecialistsThe process for referral, screening, and triaging at my clinic identifies the right patient for my assessment. (S4: 100)4 (100) [25, 75]7 (100) [43, 57]6 (100) [17, 83]
The process for referral, screening, and triage at my clinic allows me to see the most urgent patients in a timely manner. (S5: 88)4 (100) [25, 75]7 (100) [57, 43]4 (67) [0, 67]
I have access to the patients’ relevant medical history for assessing the patient. (S3: 82)3 (75) [0, 75]6 (86) [14, 71]5 (83) [17, 67]
Referring physiciansI am satisfied with the recommendations made for my patient(s) by the clinic§. (S11: 100)9 (100) [0, 100]5 (100) [60, 40]36 (100) [31, 69]
The treatment provided by the clinic§ has had a positive impact on my patient. (S9: 98)9 (100) [11, 89]5 (100) [60, 40]35 (97) [39, 58]
The provider(s) at the clinic§ explained their role(s) in followup care for my patient. (S10: 94)8 (89) [11, 78]5 (100) [60, 40]34 (94) [29, 65]
  • 1 Weighted averages were calculated using cumulative sample sizes of groups compared across sites.

  • § Rheumatology or hip/knee clinic. SA: strongly agree; A: agree.