Table 5.

Highest scoring survey items for strongly disagree and disagree responses across groups.

Groups and Survey Items
(Survey Item #: Weighted Average %1)
Site ASite B
N (%)
[SDA%, DA%]
Site C
PatientsIt was difficult to reach the care providers at the clinic§. (S3: 78)65 (81), m = 2 [48, 34]29 (81) [36, 44]36 (72), m = 1 [38, 34]
I received information on other options to manage my arthritis§§ (e.g., physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractor, nonmedical wellness strategies). (S18: 27)18 (24), m = 6 [4, 20]13 (36) [14, 22]13 (26), m = 1 [2, 24]
The care providers at the clinic§ gave me information on how to self-manage my arthritis§§. (S19: 23)17 (24), m = 10 [4, 19]12 (33) [11, 22]7 (14) [0, 14]
SpecialistsThe majority of the time, referring clinicians’ initial referral is complete. (S1: 41)0 (0) [0, 0]3 (43) [0, 43]4 (67) [33, 33]
Referrals almost always contain specific questions for patient assessment. (S2: 41)1 (25) [0, 25]2 (29) [0, 29]4 (67) [33, 33]
The process for referral, screening, and triage at my clinic allows me to see the most urgent patients in a timely manner. (S5: 12)0 (0) [0, 0]0 (0) [0, 0]2 (33) [0, 33]
Referring physiciansI feel supported by the clinic§ for patients awaiting a consultation. (S15: 52)2 (22) [0, 22]0 (0) [0, 0]23.5 (67), m = 1 [17, 50]
I feel satisfied with the current access to a specialist for my patient. (S12: 36)2 (22) [0, 22]0 (0) [0, 0]16 (44) [14, 31]
The decision to accept or deny a request is communicated to me within a time commensurate with the urgency of the request, but no longer than fourteen (14) days after the request was received. (S4: 28)0 (0) [0, 0]0 (0) [0, 0]14 (39) [17, 22]
  • 1 Weighted averages were calculated using cumulative sample sizes of groups compared across sites.

  • § Rheumatology or hip/knee clinic.

  • §§ Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. SDA: strongly disagree; DA: disagree; m: missing responses.