Table 2.

Incidence rates (IR) of diabetes mellitus per 100,000 person-years in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) compared to healthy population and patients with asthma. Study cohorts were matched for age, sex, and index date.

Healthy ChildrenAsthma CohortJIA Cohort
Diabetes CasesPerson-yrsIR (95% CI)Diabetes CasesPerson-yrsIR (95% CI)Diabetes CasesPerson-yrsIR (95% CI)
Primary outcome
  Type 1 diabetes62278,29422 (17–28)76258,89929 (23–36)1840,72244 (28–70)
Secondary outcome
  Type 2 diabetes138278,16950 (42–59)187258,66872 (62–83)2740,71066 (45–96)
Composite diabetes149278,13554 (46–63)197258,62476 (66–87)3440,68684 (60–118)