Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of 80 patients included in the study.

CharacteristicsMean (± SD) or n (%)
Age, yrs63 (± 10)
Female/male59/21 (74/26)
Disease duration, yrs11 (± 7)
Ongoing treatment
  cDMARD66 (82.5)
  MTX55 (69)
  MTX dose, mg/week18 (± 5)
  bDMARD2 (2.5)
  bDMARD + cDMARD7 (8.8)
  None4 (5)
  Glucocorticoids1 (1.3)
Erosive RA45 (56)
  None42 (52.5)
  122 (27.5)
  > 116 (20)
BMI, mean (SD)28.8 (8.3)
Anti-CCP+75 (94)
IgM-RF+75 (94)
Anti-CCP+ and/or IgM-RF+80 (100)
DAS28-CRP1.9 (± 0.6)
CRP, mg/l4.8 (± 7.7)
TJC280.5 (± 1.2)
SJC280 (± 0)
Patient-reported TJC281.2 (± 2.8)
Patient-reported SJC280.1 (± 0.5)
Pain (VAS)17.3 (± 18)
Fatigue (VAS)30 (± 24.4)
PtGA (VAS)21 (± 20.7)
EGA (VAS)3.8 (± 3.4)
HAQ0.5 (± 0.5)
FLARE-RA (range 0–10)1.5 (± 1.8)
RA-FQ (range 0–50)9.5 (± 9.2)
  • Values are mean (± SD) scores or n (%) of demographic, clinical, patient-reported, laboratory characteristics at baseline.

  • * Comorbidities: diabetes, hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases, depression, osteoarthritis, or cancer. cDMARD: conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; MTX: methotrexate; bDMARD: biological DMARD; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; BMI: body mass index; anti-CCP: anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibody; RF: rheumatoid factor; DAS28-CRP: 28-joint count Disease Activity Score based on C-reactive protein; VAS: visual analog scale; PtGA: patient’s global assessment; EGA: evaluator’s global assessment; TJC28: tender joint count in 28 joints; SJC28: swollen joint count in 28 joints; HAQ: Health Assessment Questionnaire; FLARE-RA: Flare Assessment in Rheumatoid Arthritis questionnaire; RA-FQ: OMERACT (Outcome Measures in Rheumatology) Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare Questionnaire.