Table 1.

Demographic data, clinical characteristics, and radiographic findings at baseline in patients randomized to receive initial infliximab (FIN-RACo+IFX) or initial placebo infusions (FIN-RACo+PLA) for 6 months in addition to a combination of 3 DMARD and low-dose prednisolone.

Characteristics at BaselineInitial Randomization Group
FIN-RACo+IFX, n = 38FIN-RACo+PLA, n = 47
Demographic data
  Female, n (%)28 (74)29 (62)
  Age, yrs, mean (SD)48 (9)47 (11)
  Duration of symptoms (mos), median (IQR)4 (2–6)4 (2–6)
  RF present, n (%)30 (79)34 (72)
Measures of disease activity, mean (SD)
  No. swollen joints (0–66)15 (5)16 (8)
  No. tender joints (0–68)19 (9)21 (11)
  ESR, mm/h32 (22)33 (22)
  PtGA (0–100 VAS, mm)51 (25)48 (27)
  Pain (0–100 VAS, mm)54 (28)53 (27)
  PGA (0–100, VAS, mm)49 (22)55 (20)
  DAS285.53 (0.94)5.60 (1.39)
  Physical function (HAQ)1.08 (0.59)0.91 (0.71)
Radiography at baseline
  Erosion score, mean (SD)*2.9 (7.6)1.3 (2.9)
  Narrowing score, mean (SD)*0.6 (1.7)0.3 (0.6)
  Total score, mean (SD)*3.4 (8.9)1.6 (3.2)
  Erosions in hand or foot radiographs, n (%)18 (47)14 (30)
  • * Radiologic score by modified Sharp/van der Heijde method. DAS28: 28-joint count Disease Activity Score; DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HAQ: Health Assessment Questionnaire; IQR: interquartile range; PGA: physician’s global assessment; PLA: placebo; PtGA: patient’s global assessment; RF: rheumatoid factor; VAS: visual analog scale.