Table 3.

Summary of DAPSA group discussions.

Key views of 3 DAPSA groups (composed of 3 PRP, 33 rheumatologists, 3 dermatologists, 0 academics, and 3 members of industry)
Themes independently arising in all 3 groups with general agreement:
  • DAPSA is a measure of peripheral articular disease in PsA

  • A strength of DAPSA is the separate measurement of peripheral arthritis, therefore not diluted/influenced by other domains

  • DAPSA is not a measure of psoriatic disease or the total burden of PsA

  • cDAPSA is feasible clinically in its current form

  • Modifications could be tested, including a skin module and additional MSK manifestations (enthesitis)

  • DAPSA could be tested as a “module” to assess peripheral articular disease in CPDAI

  • Impact (using PsAID) should be assessed separate from activity

Additional comments arising in individual groups without agreement:
  • Could DAPSA be used for screening in dermatology clinics?

  • CRP was felt to be a significant limitation for feasible integration into clinical practice in some countries, including the United States, where CRP is often not available at the time of the visit.

  • 66/68 joint count is challenging in clinical practice (applies to PASDAS and CPDAI as well)

  • DAPSA responses in RCT not as good as other composites

    • The continuous score is useful for clinical practice

    • Practicing non-academic clinicians do not use PRO

    • 3VAS score or RAPID-3 is feasible and should be considered

    • Fibromyalgia affects all PRO

    • PRO help promote self-efficacy

    • Rheumatologists struggle to assess skin

  • PsA: psoriatic arthritis; DAPSA: Disease Activity for PsA; PRP: patient research partners; cDAPSA: clinical DAPSA; MSK: musculoskeletal; CPDAI: Composite Psoriatic Disease Activity Index; PsAID: PsA Impact of Disease; CRP: C-reactive protein; PASDAS: PsA Disease Activity Score; RCT: randomized controlled trials; PRO: patient-reported outcomes; 3VAS: 3 visual analog scale; RAPID-3: Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data 3.