Table 3.

Key features of previous studies on cancer risk in patients with giant cell arteritis (GCA).

Ungprasert, 201419Brekke, 2018 (PS)Jese, 201818Li, 201717Ji, 201016Kermani, 201015Hill, 201014Gonzalez-Gay, 200713Liozon, 200612Myklebust, 200211Haga, 199310
Country and time periodNANorway, 1972–2012Slovenia, 2011–2015UK, 1990–2014Sweden, 1965–2006USA, 1950–2006Australia, 1991–2006Spain, 1981–2005France, 1976–2005Norway, 1987–1998Norway, 1978–1988
Study designMetaanal.RetroProspRetroRetroRetroRetroRetroRetroProspRetro
Inclusion criteriaNAGCA defined by clinical diagnosis, ACR1990 criteria, or positive biopsyACR 1990 criteria for cranial GCA, imaging criteria for purely extracranial GCADiagnostic code GCA in nationwide general practice databaseDiagnostic code GCA or PMR in nationwide hospital discharge databaseACR 1990 criteria for GCABiopsy-proven GCABiopsy-proven GCAACR 1990 criteria for GCABiopsy-proven GCA, Bird or Hamrin criteria for PMRBiopsy-proven GCA or study-specific clinical criteria for GCA or PMR
ControlsNAAge-, sex-, and geographically matched controlsGeneral population > 50 yrsAge-, sex-, and geographically (by practice) matched controls without GCAGeneral population(database subjects without the disease)Age-, sex-, and geographically matched controls without GCAGeneral population (age- and sex-specific)NRGeneral population (same age group)Age-, sex-, and geographically matched controlsAge-, sex-, and geographicallymatched controls
No. cases /controlsPooled cases: 39,808767 / 1437107 / NR9778 / 92,26835,918 / NR204 / 407226 / NR255 / NR271 /NR398 / 1592185 / 925
Method of cancer identificationNANorwegian Cancer RegistryProsp data +Slovenian cancer registryDiagnostic code in general practice databaseSwedish cancer registryReview of complete medical recordsSouth Australia cancer registryReview of medical recordsReview of medical records + regional cancer registryNorwegian Cancer RegistryNorwegian Cancer Registry
Main conclusionIncreased riskNo differenceIncreased riskNo differenceIncreased riskNo differenceNo differenceNo differenceIncreased riskNo differenceIncreased risk (if TAB-positive)
  • ACR:American College of Rheumatology; GCA: giant cell arteritis; NA: not applicable (metaanalysis reporting pooled data from several cohort studies10,11,14,15,16); Metaanal.: metaanalysis; Retro: retrospective; Prosp: prospective; NR: not reported; PMR: polymyalgia rheumatica; PS: present study; TAB: temporal artery biopsy.