Table 1.

Datasets and analysis methods used in this study.

Image DatasetDatasetSegmentation of Cartilage SurfacesCalculation of Cartilage ThicknessUsed For
Training379 segmentations of femur and tibial cartilage at a single timepoint, on fat-saturated 3-D MR images (range of radiographic OA structural severity, including medial compartmentManual segmentation using EndPoint (Imorphics), supervised by experienced segmenter1ACRACTraining set for supervised machine learning step in AQ-CART
Kellgren-Lawrence grades 0–4, lateral compartment OA, plus young healthy knees)Thickness is measured at multiple points along normals from the bone surface (Figure 1B2Correlation and agreement of mean cartilage thickness in cMF and cMT regions, automated or manual segmentations, miss-25%-out models
Repeatability19 test-retest images of knees with and without radiographic OA (pilot study for the OAI)3NAACRACRepeatability of automated segmentation
Biomarkers582 segmentations of femur and tibial cartilage at baseline, 1, and 2 yrs (JSN Only Progressors, n = 102; JSN and Pain Progressors, n = 183; Pain Only Progressors, n = 101; No JSN or Pain Progression, n = 196)*Manual segmentation by Chondrometrics, supervised by experienced segmenter4,5Volume of cartilage divided by region of bone5Cross-sectional agreement of mean cartilage thickness in cMF and cMT regions, using automated or manual segmentation, baseline images only
Longitudinal agreement of change in mean cartilage thickness from baseline in the same regions, using automated or manual segmentation
Responsiveness of automated and manual segmentation in the same regions using pairwise Student t test and SRM
  • * Key to 4 subgroups: JSN progressors (“JSN Only Progressors”), both JSN and pain progressors (“JSN and Pain Progressors”), pain progressors (“Pain Only Progressors”), and nonprogressors (“No JSN or Pain Progressors”). JSN: joint space narrowing; MR: magnetic resonance; OA: osteoarthritis; (AQ)-CART: automatic quantification of cartilage; cMF: central medial femur; cMT: central medial tibia; OAI: OA Initiative; ACRAC: Anatomically Corresponded Regional Analysis of Cartilage; SRM: standardized response means; NA: not applicable.