Table 3.

Comparing demographics, clinical characteristics, and patient-reported outcomes between TCM users and nonusers.

Patient CharacteristicsTCM Users, n = 115Nonusers, n = 115p
Sociodemographic factors
  Age, yrs60 (50–68)53 (39–63)< 0.01
  Female84 (73)65 (57)0.01
  ≤ High school education75 (65)88 (77)0.06
    Employed or student43 (37)62 (54)
    Unemployed13 (11)12 (10)
    Retired or homemaker59 (51)41 (36)
    ≥ 20 yrs living in the US65 (57)42 (37)< 0.01
Clinical factors
  Length of diagnosis, yrs3 (2–7)5 (3–10)< 0.01
  Medication Regimen Complexity Index12 (9–18)11 (6–15)0.03
  Report Western medicine ineffective*26 (23)8 (7)< 0.01
  Report Western medicine side effects50 (44)36 (30)0.04
  Believe TCM works^94 (82)74 (64)< 0.01
PROMIS T scores
  Sleep disturbance53 (46–57)50 (44–55)0.07
  Cognitive concerns36 (30–40)35 (26–39)0.40
  Anxiety53 (43–58)43 (36–54)< 0.001
  Depression51 (37–58)43 (37–54)< 0.001
  Pain interference60 (54–65)56 (49–62)0.002
  Fatigue, mean (SD)53.9 (10)49.3 (9)< 0.001
  Physical function42 (37–49)46 (40–54)0.002
  Instrumental support49 (45–51)49 (45–53)0.70
  Ability to participate in social roles and activities56 (49–66)61 (55–66)0.003
  • Values are n (%) or median (Q1–Q3) unless otherwise indicated. There is overall < 1% missing data except for the variable PROMIS instrumental support, which has 39% missing value because it was added to the survey at a later time.

  • * Answering “not at all, a little, or don’t know” vs “somewhat, quite a bit, or a lot” to “how effective is Western medicine prescribed by your rheumatologist?”

  • Answering “Not at all or don’t know” vs “a little, somewhat, or quite a bit” to “have you had any side effects from Western medications prescribed by your rheumatologist?”

  • ^ Answering “a little, somewhat, quite a bit, or a lot” vs “not at all or don’t know” to “in general do you believe TCM works?” TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine; PROMIS: Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System.