Table 3.

Multinomial regression sensitivity analysis of hip data after n = 33 vignettes scored as “disagreement” by the expert voting panel have been removed. “Rarely appropriate” is the reference category.

ClassificationAAOS Prognostic/Predictor VariableRating for Each Prognostic/Predictor VariableBOR
Function-limiting painPain at rest or night270.202.21 × 10117
Short distances212.732.43 × 1092
Moderate to long distances0a
Range-of-motion limitationSevere85.841.89 × 1037
Moderate52.124.28 × 1022
Risk of negative outcomeNo modifiable risk factors154.531.30 × 1067
Modifiable risk factors0a
Hip radiographic evaluationSevere OAb665.481.03 × 10289
Moderate OA267.661.75 × 10116
Minimal OA with FAI2.7415.43
Minimal OA with AD−52.082.42−23
Minimal OA0a
AgeElderly543.036.83 × 10235
Middle-aged328.153.27 × 10142
May be appropriateIntercept−82.29
Function-limiting painPain at rest or night24.896.46 × 1010
Short distances28.472.31 × 1012
Moderate to long distances0a
Range-of-motion limitationSevere25.631.35 × 1011
Moderate21.201.60 × 109
Risk of negative outcomeNo modifiable risk factors1.967.09
Modifiable risk factors0a
Hip radiographic evaluationSevere OA81.312.05 × 1035
Moderate OA81.312.05 × 1035
Minimal OA with FAI3.6739.24
Minimal OA with AD8.716079.75
Minimal OA0a
AgeElderly53.872.49 × 1023
Middle-aged22.757.59 × 109
  • a Parameter fixed to zero because it is redundant.

  • b Computing the exponent of the coefficient for severe OA in the “appropriate” relative to “rarely appropriate” classification exceeds computational limits, producing a value of infinity. Therefore, a lower value than the coefficient was used to compute the reported OR. OA: osteoarthritis; AAOS: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; FAI: femoroacetabular impingement; AD: acetabular dysplasia.