Table 2.

Best practice indicators for PsA.

1. Shorten time to diagnosis
  Average duration from presentation to HCP to confirmed PsA diagnosis8< 6 mos
  Percent of patients with psoriasis in a year who receive a PsA screening test (a suitable validated tool such as PEST, CONTEST, or other questionnaires)9PsA screening test to be conducted at least once a year
2. Improve multidisciplinary collaboration
  Multidisciplinary PsA assessment is available (Y/N)10Multidisciplinary collaboration should be available in centers
  Does the center provide suitable training for HCP, nurses, etc., to increase awareness of PsA disease symptoms (Y/N)11100% of staff should have followed suitable training on PsA each year
3. Optimize disease management
  Average number of PsA evaluations done by HCP per patient in a year (depending on the specialty), assessing 6 core domains of PsA: musculoskeletal, skin, function, pain, patient’s global assessment, and quality of life121–2 evaluations per year to monitor disease activity
  Percent of PsA patients on whom T2T strategy is applied7All patients with new-onset disease should be offered a T2T strategy
4. Improve disease monitoring
  Percent of PsA patients who received full disease assessment for comorbidities (e.g., comorbidity index) at least once every year13All patients should have at least an annual assessment for comorbidities
  Availability of short-term, unscheduled appointments (Y/N)14Maximum wait time for unscheduled appointment should be 2 weeks
  • HCP: healthcare providers; PsA: psoriatic arthritis; PEST: Psoriasis Epidemiology Screening Tool; CONTEST: CONTEST [study] screening tool; T2T: treat to target.