Table 4.

CRN target stakeholders, landscape, and competition analysis.

  1. Target stakeholders

    • Patients, physician investigators, and clinicians (including both dermatologists and rheumatologists), biopharmaceutical companies, private and public funding sources, and regulatory agencies.

  2. Landscape analysis

    • The need for a cooperative approach to invigorate translational research in PsA is evident, and the need is high.

    • At this time, no major centers or collaborative efforts are under way to address the pertinent questions in PsC and PsA.

    • A collaborative effort between academia, patients, and biopharmaceutical companies has been applied successfully to study other disorders through AMP, IMI, and RA-BioDAM.

  3. Patient participation

    • Over the last 5 yrs, GRAPPA has invested in the establishment of a structured network of informed PRP to provide the patient perspective in GRAPPA research initiatives. The CRN will use this resource of PRP to ensure that patient interests are considered when it comes to the prioritization of research topics, study design, raising of funds, CRN governance (as well as the associated data/biobanks and sub–working groups), development of patient information and consent procedures, ethical discussions, and dissemination and implementation of CRN results.

  4. Competition analysis and advantages of the CRN

    • If we do not undertake this endeavor, it is highly likely that other efforts will arise that partner academics with pharma to address the critical questions in PsA. This may take place in many forms, including biopharmaceutical company–sponsored substudies attached to clinical trials, investigator-initiated studies, publicly funded research, and studies funded by private foundations. The major advantages of the GRAPPA-CRN over these other approaches are the expertise of the investigators, the large patient populations, and the development of validated SOP to ensure robust data collection and storage that will ensure that the results obtained are reproducible, credible, and valid.

  • CRN: Collaborative Research Network; PsA: psoriatic arthritis; PsC: cutaneous psoriasis; AMP: Accelerating Medicines Partnership; IMI: Innovative Medicines Initiatives; RA-BioDAM: Rheumatoid Arthritis Biomarkers for Joint Damage; GRAPPA: Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis; PRP: patient research partners; SOP: standard operating procedures.