Table 1.

Characteristics of adults who develop accelerated HOA. Values are n (%) unless otherwise specified.

VariablesNo Accelerated HOA, n = 3481Accelerated HOA, n = 38Difference Between Groups (95% CI)
Baseline characteristics*
  Female1993 (57)28 (74)16 (2–31)a
  Premenopause298 (15)2 (7)−8 (−18 to 2)
  Perimenopause274 (14)2 (7)−7 (−16 to 3)
  Postmenopause1411 (71)24 (86)15 (1–28)
  Metabolic syndrome, 2–4 components1914 (57)23 (61)3 (−13 to 19)a
  Self-reported diabetes235 (7)1 (3)−4 (−9 to 1)
  Use of lipid medications983 (28)11 (29)1 (−14 to 15)
  High blood pressure2079 (59)24 (63)4 (−12 to 19)
  Large waist circumference2540 (75)29 (76)2 (−12 to 15)a
  Physician-diagnosed HOA534 (15)16 (42)27 (11–43)
  Prevalent hand pain756 (22)14 (37)15 (0–31)
  Age, yrs, mean (SD)61.0 (9.1)64.9 (8.3)3.9 (1.0–6.8)
  Body mass index, kg/m2, mean (SD)28.5 (4.8)27.4 (4.5)−1.1 (−2.7 to 0.4)
  Body weight, kg, mean (SD)81.2 (16.2)74.3 (14.5)−6.9 (−12.1 to −1.7)
Baseline radiographic hand characteristics*
  Radiographic HOA1236 (35)27 (71)36 (21–50)
  Central erosions, ≥ 1 joint233 (7)8 (22)15 (2–28)
  Marginal erosions, ≥ 1 joint81 (2)4 (11)8 (−2 to 18)a
  No. joints with KL ≥ 3, mean (SD)0.5 (1.2)1.1 (2.0)0.6 (−0.02 to 1.3)
Incident findings over time
  Incident accelerated knee OA105 (3)3 (8)5 (−4 to 13)
  New central erosions over 48 mos158 (5)13 (35)31 (15–46)a
  New marginal erosions over 48 mos50 (1)2 (5)4 (−3 to 11)
  • * Collected at baseline.

  • a Discordance in group difference is related to rounding. Notes on missing data: Only included people with body weight, and status of self-reported hand pain (yes or no), and physician-diagnosed HOA (yes and no or unknown) at baseline. Missing data: Less than 3% missing data for menopause status, central erosions, marginal erosions, diabetes status, and waist circumference. Metabolic syndrome (n missing = 137 controls). No other missing data. HOA: hand osteoarthritis; KL: Kellgren-Lawrence arthritis grading scale.