Table 2.

Treatment details and outcomes of 16 patients with lupus nephritis (LN) who received sirolimus during active nephritis or disease quiescence.

Patients who received sirolimus during active disease
PatientTx for LN Before SirolimusResponse to Previous TxIndication of SirolimusDuration of SirolimusDose of Concomitant PSLMean Achieved Sirolimus DosageMean 12-h Trough Sirolimus Level, μg/lKey Outcomes
1*History of malignancy8 weeks35 mg/day1 mg/day2.9 ± 0.1Tx discontinuation because of rash; switched to PSL + FK after stopping sirolimus. One episode of hematological flare. No recurrence of malignancy.
2PSL + MMFPRMMF intolerance84 mos40 mg/day1 mg/day6.1 ± 3.2Achieved CR; no clinical relapse.
3*History of malignancy82 mos50 mg/day2 mg/day6.0 ± 2.5Achieved CR; no clinical relapse or recurrence of malignancy.
4PSL + MMFPRMMF intolerance10 weeks40 mg/day1 mg/day7.7 ± 0.6Tx discontinuation because of cholecystitis Switched to PSL + AZA after stopping sirolimus. ESRF after 27 mos.
5PRED + FKPRFK intolerance84 mos40 mg/day3 mg/day5.9 ± 1.3Achieved CR; no clinical relapse.
Patients who received sirolimus during disease quiescence
PatientIndication of TxDuration of TxDose of Concomitant PSLMean Achieved Sirolimus DosageMean 12-h Trough Sirolimus Level, μg/lKey Outcomes
6MMF intolerance110 mos5 mg/day1 mg/day3.9 ± 0.4No clinical relapse.
7MMF intolerance11 weeks5 mg/day1 mg/day3.7 ± 0.1Tx discontinuation because of headache.
8History of malignancy65 mos4 mg/day1 mg/day3.5 ± 0.6No clinical relapse or recurrence of malignancy.
9FK intolerance11 weeks5 mg/day1 mg/day< 2.0Tx discontinuation because of rash.
10History of malignancy48 mos5 mg/day2 mg/day3.8 ± 0.8No clinical relapse or recurrence of malignancy.
11MMF intolerance56 mos7.5 mg/day1 mg/day3.7 ± 2.0No clinical relapse.
12FK intolerance48 mos6 mg/day1 mg/day3.3 ± 0.4No clinical relapse.
13History of malignancy48 mos2.5 mg/day1 mg/day3.9 ± 0.3No clinical relapse or recurrence of malignancy.
14History of malignancy48 mos5 mg/day2 mg/day4.8 ± 0.8No clinical relapse or recurrence of malignancy.
15History of malignancy48 mos5 mg/day1 mg/day6.4 ± 1.1No clinical relapse or recurrence of malignancy.
16MMF intolerance36 mos9 mg/day1 mg/day2.6 ± 0.8One episode of renal relapse; Tx discontinuation because of leukopenia.
  • * Patients 1 and 3 received sirolimus as their first treatment for LN because of their history of malignancy. AZA: azathioprine; CR: complete remission; ESRF: endstage renal failure; FK: tacrolimus; MMF: mycophenolate mofetil; PR: partial remission; PSL: prednisolone.