Table 4.

Comparison of pre- and post-RTX CT scan score and PFT measurements comparing averages at baseline and 1 year with the average individual change (p value) in subjects with repeat RTX dosing versus subjects with a 1-time RTX dose. Values are mean ± SD or n (%) unless otherwise specified.

VariablesRepeat RTX Dosing, n = 17One-time RTX Dosing, n = 8
Baseline1-yr FollowupBaseline1-yr Followup
CT scann = 5n = 3
  Average score171 ± 42152 ± 40211 ± 79244 ± 39
  Paired average Δ (p value)*−22.9 (0.31)32.8 (0.50)
  Improved/Stable**2/3 (100)0/2 (67)
  Failure***0 (0)1 (33)
  FVCn = 14n = 5
    FVC, % predicted54 ± 1463 ± 2064 ± 1552 ± 17
    Paired average Δ (p value)+9.3 (0.0077)−11.8 (0.13)
    Improved/Stable**8/5 (93)0/2 (40)
    Failure***1 (7)3 (60)
  TLCn = 6n = 1
    TLC, % predicted53 ± 1362 ± 147077
    Paired average Δ (p value)+8.5 (0.031)NA
  DLCOn = 12n = 5
    DLCO, % predicted38 ± 1239 ± 1843 ± 1629 ± 8
    Paired average Δ (p value)+1.2 (0.59)−14.2 (0.13)
  • * Paired average Δ represents difference in the mean of paired observations with the p value as calculated using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. A p value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

  • ** Improved is defined by > 10% decrease in CT score or > 10% improvement in FVC. Stable is defined by < 10% decrease but < 10% increase in CT score, or < 10% increase but < 10% decline in FVC (PIOPED criteria).

  • *** Failure is defined by a > 10% increase in CT score or a > 10% decline in FVC. Values are compared to baseline timepoint. RTX: rituximab; CT: computed tomography; PFT: pulmonary function tests; FVC: forced vital capacity; TLC: total lung capacity; NA: not applicable; PIOPED: pulmonary embolism diagnosis.