Table 1.

Univariate analyses of patients and controls at the time of PMR (or PA) onset involving age, sex, baseline ESR and CRP levels, and response to treatment. Values are n (%) or mean ± SD unless otherwise specified.

CharacteristicsPatients, n = 67N AssessedControls, n = 65N Assessedp
Age, yrs72.1 ± 86770.2 ± 7.9650.16
Female sex50 (74.6)6725 (38.5)65< 0.0001
PA or overlapping PMR/PA12 (17.9)6715 (23.1)650.545
Baseline ESR, mm/h72.1 ± 28.25274 ± 31.9540.72
Baseline CRP, mg/dl7.11 ± 3.47537.14 ± 4.76630.97
TAB performed9 (13.6)6618 (27.7)650.05
Initial prednisone dose, mg/d24.8 ± 12.26327.4 ± 14.3650.26
Relapses29 (43.9)6638 (58.5)650.10
Chronic/resistant disease17 (25.8)6614 (21.5)650.61
Use of GC-sparing drugs14 (20.9)6714 (21.5)650.93
Late occurrence of RA or AS2 (3.0)673 (4.6)650.44
  • PMR: polymyalgia rheumatica; PA: peripheral arthritis; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C-reactive protein; TAB: temporal artery biopsy; GC: glucocorticoid; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; AS: ankylosing spondyloarthritis.