Table 5.

Comparison of clinical characteristics among patients with rheumatoid arthritis who have inflammatory ocular disease (IOD) and their comparators without IOD matched for age, sex, and disease duration seen at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, between 1996 and 2013. Values are median (25th percentile, 75th percentile) or n (%). Percentages are calculated among patients with available data.

CharacteristicsIOD, n = 90Non-IOD, n = 90p
Age, yrs65 (53–71)64 (52–71)0.68
Sex, female61 (68)61 (68)1.0
RA duration at IOD onset, yrs10.2 (4.0–20.9)9.9 (3.1–20.6)0.61
Length of followup, yrs5.7 (1.9–10.2)4.4 (2.0–9.0)
Smoker, current or former37 (42)49 (55)0.08
BMI, kg/m228.3 (24.8–31.5)28.3 (23.1–32.7)0.82
No/mild disease activity per physician judgment, N/A 28 and 3640 (65)31 (57)0.43
Radiographic erosions, N/A 15 and 2246 (61)39 (57)0.63
Severe ExRA16 (18)4 (4)0.004
Rheumatoid nodules26 (30)22 (24)0.44
Sjögren syndrome**7 (8)3 (3)0.19
Dry eye syndrome*35 (42)23 (26)0.024
Seropositivity (RF and/or ACPA), N/A 5 and 171 (84)66 (74)0.13
DMARD treatment at IOD onset or in the previous 2 yrs64 (71)67 (74)0.62
Biologic treatment at IOD onset or in the previous 2 yrs, N/A 3 and 029 (33)21 (23)0.14
GC treatment at IOD onset or in the previous 2 yrs, N/A 7 and 454 (65)55 (64)0.88
  • Data in bold face are statistically significant.

  • * Dry eye syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) was defined based on ophthalmology evaluation and supported by positive rose-bengal/lissamine green corneal surface staining or abnormal result of Schirmer’s test < 5 mm/min.

  • ** Sjögren syndrome was defined based on meeting 2 of these 3 criteria: KCS as above, xerostomia (dry mouth based on clinical judgment supported by abnormal sialometry, sialography, salivary scintigraphy, or salivary gland biopsy with lymphocytic infiltrate), or serological evidence (positive ANA, anti-Ro/SSA, anti-La/SSB positive, or polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia). RA: rheumatoid arthritis; BMI: body mass index; ExRA: extraarticular manifestation of RA; DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; GC: glucocorticoid; RF: rheumatoid factor; ACPA: anticitrullinated protein antibodies; N/A: not available; ANA: antinuclear antibodies.