Table 2.

Clinical correlates of inflammatory ocular disease at presentation among patients with RA seen at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, between 1996 and 2013. Values are median (25th percentile, 75th percentile) or n (%).

CharacteristicEpiscleritis, n = 23Scleritis, n = 33PUK, n = 21Uveitis, n = 14p
Bilateral involvement7 (30)11 (33)7 (33)2 (14)0.59
Eye redness, N/A 1321 (100)29 (91)11 (65)8 (100)0.004
Eye pain, N/A 87 (33)19 (63)9 (45)8 (67)0.12
Headache, N/A 111 (5)7 (23)2 (11)0 (0)0.12
Blurred vision, N/A 122 (10)8 (27)5 (28)4 (36)0.34
Vision loss, N/A 111 (5)5 (17)6 (32)1 (9)0.14
Floaters/flashes of light, N/A 121 (5)1 (3)1 (5)1 (9)0.91
Dry eye/foreign body sensation, N/A 148 (42)5 (19)11 (55)1 (9)0.014
Eye/orbital swelling, N/A 142 (10)4 (15)3 (17)1 (9)0.90
ESR, mm/h, N/A 4916.0 (10.0–22.0)14.5 (10.0–38.0)20.0 (10.0–27.0)13.0 (5.0–31.0)0.82
CRP, mg/l, N/A 636.0 (3.0–11.6)11.9 (3.5–54.3)17.5 (5.1–35.5)6.8 (2.9–12.3)0.67
WBC, ×109/l, N/A 379.0 (7.0–9.5)7.9 (7.4–11.8)8.9 (6.8–10.1)8.5 (5.4–9.0)0.59
Hb, g/dl, N/A 3713.1 (12.3–13.8)13.1 (11.9–14.2)14.1 (11.6–15.4)13.3 (12.5–14.2)0.45
Plt, ×109/l, N/A 37276 (244–322)261 (230–339)256 (187–377)242 (226–322)0.84
Creatinine, mg/dl, N/A 520.9 (0.7–1.0)1.0 (0.7–1.2)1.0 (0.8–1.2)0.8 (0.8–0.9)0.45
Cataracts, N/A 75 (26)10 (33)8 (38)8 (57)0.31
  • Data in bold face are statistically significant. RA: rheumatoid arthritis; PUK: peripheral ulcerative keratitis; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate (normal values < 22 mm/h in male and < 29 mm/h in female); CRP: C-reactive protein (normal values < 8 mg/l); WBC: white blood cells (normal values < 10.5 × 109/l); Hb: hemoglobin (normal values > 13.5 g/dl in male, > 12 g/dl in female); Plt: platelets (normal values > 450 × 109/l); N/A: not available.