Table 5.

Comparison of DMARD use, according to geographic distance from the closest rheumatology site in 2015.

Intermediate vs NearFar vs Near
All veterans with IA
  No. veterans with ≥ 1 sDMARD1.100.93––1.081.11*1.01–1.211.13*1.03–1.24
  No. sDMARD in veterans exposed to sDMARD0.990.92–1.060.990.93–1.060.990.90––1.10
  PDC in veterans exposed to sDMARD0.01−0.01 to 0.030.00−0.02 to 0.020.02−0.01 to 0.050.01−0.02 to 0.03
  No. veterans with ≥ 1 bDMARD0.85*0.76–0.940.88*0.79–0.980.64**0.54–0.760.66**0.56–0.79
  No. bDMARD in veterans exposed to bDMARD0.990.89–1.100.990.89–––1.20
  PDC in veterans exposed to bDMARD0.00−0.03 to 0.030.00−0.03 to 0.020.03−0.01 to 0.070.02−0.02 to 0.07
Subgroup with ≥ 1 rheumatology visit in 2015
  No. veterans with ≥ 1 sDMARD1.10*1.04–1.161.10*1.04––1.211.11*1.00–1.22
  No. sDMARD in veterans exposed to sDMARD1.020.94––––1.24
  PDC in veterans exposed to sDMARD0.01−0.01 to 0.040.01−0.01 to–0.090.03−0.01 to 0.08
  No. veterans with ≥ 1 bDMARD1.12*1.03–1.221.12*1.03–1.220.990.84–1.160.960.82–1.13
  No. bDMARD in veterans exposed to bDMARD0.990.88–1.110.990.88–––1.26
  PDC in veterans exposed to bDMARD0.00−0.03 to 0.030.00−0.03 to 0.030.01−0.04 to 0.070.01−0.04 to 0.07
  • * p < 0.05.

  • ** p < 0.001.

  • Adjusted for age, race, ethnicity, and sex.

  • ^ RR (relative risk) used for no. veterans with ≥ 1 rheumatology visit. MR (mean ratio) used for no. provider visits (any specialty) and no. rheumatology visits per veteran. MD (mean difference) used for PDC. sDMARD: synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; bDMARD: biologic DMARD; PDC: proportion of days covered; IA: inflammatory arthritis.