Table 1.

Reliability and sensitivity to change for KIMRISS in a multireader exercise scoring 20 knees.

BML SitePooled ICC, All Readers95% CI for Pooled ICCRange of ICC for Reader PairsPooled Mean ScorePooled SDScore Range, Individual ReadersSDCAverage % of Knees with Change > SDC
      Change0.660.48–0.840.36–0.821.64.9−7 to 101.554
      Change0.880.78–0.950.70–0.976.318.2−8 to 745.626
      Change0.260.10–0.520.04–0.98−1.56.6−25 to 72.129
      Change0.760.60–0.890.51–0.956.420.5−17 to 716.341
  • * ICC between readers C, D, E, F: 0.83–0.96; ICC between readers A, B and these 4: 0.14–0.52. KIMRISS: Knee Inflammation Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scoring System; BML: bone marrow lesion; ICC: intraclass correlation coefficients; SDC: smallest detectable change.