Table 1.

Domains in the 2006 PsA Core Domain Set and candidate domains for the updated core set.

OMERACT 2006 PsA Core Domain SetOMERACT 2014 Voted (≥ 70%) Inclusion in the Core SetDraft Core Domain Set at the End of the NGT Meeting 2016Draft Core Set after the Second Patient and Physician Survey*
Peripheral joint activityDactylitisMSK disease activityMSK disease activity
Skin activitySkin disease activitySkin disease activity
Patient globalPtGAPtGA
Physical functionPhysical functionPhysical function
Emotional well-being
Systemic inflammationSystemic inflammation
Structural damage **Structural damage **
  • * During the second survey, patients and physicians rated the importance of domains proposed after the NGT meeting – emotional well-being was moved out of the core because less than 70% of either physician or patient respondents rated it as at least 8 on a scale from 0–10.

  • ** Structural damage was recommended for assessment at least once during the development of a new drug for PsA. PsA: psoriatic arthritis; OMERACT: Outcome Measures in Rheumatology; NGT: nominal group technique; HRQOL: health-related quality of life; MSK: musculoskeletal; PtGA: patient’s global assessment.