Table 2.

Generalized κ, ICC, and SDD statistics of the different items scored from 25 juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients with MRI of the knee.

MRI FeatureICC or κ95% CISDDSDD%
  Synovial thickening, 0–12ICC 0.950.92–0.973.1927
  Bone marrow changes, 0–24ICC 0.870.80–0.9210.9455
  Cartilage lesions, 0–24ICC 0.550.37–0.6913.6576
  Bone erosions, 0–24ICC 0.720.59–0.811.4135
IPSG item
  Synovial thickening, 0–3ICC 0.940.91–0.960.3913
  Joint effusion, 0–3ICC 0.930.89–0.950.5117
  Cartilage lesions, 0–4ICC 0.600.44–0.738.3069
  Bone erosions, 0–2ICC 0.570.40–0.704.1041
  Subchondral cysts, 0–2κ 0.01NANANA
Synovial enhancement, 0–12*ICC 0.900.85–0.949.8582
Infrapatellar fat pad heterogeneity, 0–1κ 0.27NANANA
Enthesopathy, 0–1κ 0.19NANANA
Tendinopathy, 0–1κ 0.01NANANA
  • * According to Damasio, et al18. MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; SDD: smallest detectable difference; NA: not applicable; JAMRIS: Juvenile Arthritis MRI Scoring; IPSG: International Prophylaxis Study Group.