Table 3.

Etanercept and tuberculosis (TB) risk: Reported cases of TB from postmarketing surveillance and national registries.

Source/Year [Reference]No. TB Cases/No. PatientsTB IR ETN/Country, No. Cases/100,000 Population/yearRRDefective LTBI Screening/TB Prophylaxis, %Host-related TB Risk Factors (%)
BIOBADASER, Spain 2003 [40]0/2160NAPre-LTBI scr*NA
ARTIS, Sweden, 2005 [41]6/NA80/NANAPre-LTBI scr*NA
RABBIT, Germany, 2005 [42]0/5120/80NANA
Pharmetrics, Canada, 2006 [43]32/2349NANAPre-LTBI scr*NA
BIOBADASER, Spain, 2007 [44]2/1336114/254.649%NA
Japan 2009 [126]8/7091112/254.50%NA
LOHREN, Italy 2009 [46]1/242233/829.1Pre-LTBI scr*, 15.3%NA
RATIO, France, 2010 [47]5/NA9.3/8.71.180%66%
BSRBR, UK, 2010 [48]8/552153/143.85%70%
South Korea, 2011 [49]0/2100/69.8050%NA
GISEA, Italy, 2012 [50]1/113088/811NANA
Northern California, USA, 2013 [51]8/277883/516.6NANA
  • * Pre-LTBI screening included patients treated before 2001 recommendation for latent TB infection detection. NA: not available; LTBI: latent tuberculosis infection; RR: relative risk; IR ETN: incidence ratio in etanercept-treated patients.