Table 1.

Characteristics of patients with and without rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who completed the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).

CharacteristicsNon-RA, n = 135RA, n = 148p
Age, years, mean (± SD)55.4 (± 12.9)56.5 (± 12.9)0.33
Sex, female92 (68%)112 (76%)0.16
Year of index date, mean (± SD)1995.5 (± 9.1)1994.5 (± 9.8)0.42
Time from MMPI to index date, yrs, mean (± SD)14.2 (± 9.0)13.7 (± 9.1)0.71
MMPI Item 51: Health similar to peers (% true)102 (77%)106 (74%)0.55
Pessimistic explanatory style*42 (31%)57 (39%)0.19
MMPI Depression scale, mean (± SD)58.4 (± 10.7)58.7 (± 11.2)0.83
Rheumatoid factor positivity96 (65%)
Sedimentation rate, median (25th percentile, 75th percentile)23.0 (10, 40)
Obesity (body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2)46 (34%)56 (38%)0.51
Smoking status0.13
  Never68 (50%)60 (41%)
  Current20 (15%)34 (23%)
  Former47 (35%)54 (36%)
Charlson comorbidity index, mean (± SD)0.9 (± 2.2)1.3 (± 1.9)< 0.001
History of depression diagnosis76 (58%)84 (57%)0.88
  • * Defined using the MMPI Optimism-Pessimism scale (≥ 60 classified as pessimistic).