Table 3.

Unadjusted standardized effect sizes from baseline to 6-week followup by intervention.

VariablesUnadjusted Standardized Effect Size*
Total CohortSelf-directedInstructor-led
Fast walk0.240.190.35
Normal walk0.290.240.4
Left turn0.340.270.49
Right turn0.330.280.47
Chair stands0.330.320.37
Left leg stand0.170.120.3
Right leg stand0.230.190.38
No. steps−0.05−0.08−0.02
  • * Effect size is calculated as the difference between baseline and followup scores divided by the SD of the baseline score. Positive effect sizes denote improvements in physical functioning whereas negative effect sizes denote decrements. PROMIS: Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; HAQ: Health Assessment Questionnaire.