Table 2.

Intrareader and interreader reliability for the PsAMRIS features in the hand and foot.

PsAMRIS FeaturesBaseline SmICC (range reader 1 to 3)Change SmICC (range reader 1 to 3) IntrareaderChange SDC (range reader1 to 3)Baseline AvmICCAvmICC Change InterreaderChange SDC
  Synovitis0.30 to 0.710.06 to 0.661.7 to 5.50.720.412.9
  Flexor tenosynovitis0.69 to 0.890.78 to 0.882.2 to 2.60.920.871.9
  Periarticular inflammation0.74 to 0.950.22 to 0.850.4 to 5.80.370.121.8
  Bone marrow edema0.60 to 0.93−0.06 to 0.721.5 to 2.90.840.810.8
  Bone erosion0.67 to 0.95−0.06 to 0.040.0 to 1.40.900.230.4
  Bone proliferation0.00 to 0.74NP*/0.000.0 to
  Synovitis0.70 to 0.770.19 to 0.901.7 to 2.90.900.721.7
  Flexor tenosynovitis0.57 to 0.660.42 to 0.790.8 to 2.40.440.401.6
  Periarticular inflammation0.14 to 0.600.00 to 0.380.6 to 2.50.760.770.8
  Bone marrow edema0.70 to 0.96−0.04 to 0.382.3 to 4.00.960.751.0
  Bone erosion0.75 to 0.97−0.02 to 0.610.3 to 1.60.730.300.7
  Bone proliferation−0.15 to 0.59NP*/0.000.0 to 0.30.500.070.1
  • * Not possible to calculate owing to zero variance in scores. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) are expressed as single measure (SmICC) for intrareader reliability and average measure (AvmICC) for interreader reliability. Smallest detectable change (SDC) is shown for change scores. Interreader reliability was calculated from the mean value of each reader’s 2 readings for each patient. ICC is interpreted as follows: Very good: ≥ 0.80, good 0.50–0.79, poor < 0.49. PsAMRIS: Psoriatic Arthritis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score.