Table 2.

Study participants. Values are n (%) or median (range) unless otherwise specified.

JIA category
  Oligoarticular7 (21)
  RF− polyarticular11 (33)
  RF+ polyarticular1 (3.0)
  Psoriatic6 (18)
  ERA8 (24)
No. previous rounds of IA CS injections
  17 (21)
  218 (54)
  38 (24)
Age at first IA IFX injection, yrs12 (2.9–18)
No. bilateral IFX injections
  15 (15)
  216 (48)
  37 (21)
  42 (6.1)
  51 (3.0)
  61 (3.0)
  71 (3.0)
Interval between first and last injection, mos2 (0–12)
Interval between first and last MRI, mos9 (2–27)
Systemic medicines prior to first IA IFX dose
  None1 (3.0)
  MTX alone2 (6.1)
  TNFi alone5 (15)
  TNFi + DMARD, MTX, or LEF*25 (76)
  LEF + ABA*1 (3.0)
  • * One subject was treated with ETN followed by ABA; the sum of patients represented in this table is 34 because this 1 subject fell into 2 separate categories. JIA: juvenile idiopathic arthritis; RF: rheumatoid factor; ERA: enthesitis-related arthritis; IA: intraarticular; CS: corticosteroid; IFX: infliximab; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; MTX: methotrexate; TNFi: tumor necrosis factor inhibitor; DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; LEF: leflunomide; ABA: abatacept; ETN: etanercept.