Table 1.

Description of criteria used to select quality indicators.

RelevancePlease rate the relevance of the above indicator (1 = not relevant, 9 = relevant).
In doing so, consider whether:
The aspect of care covered by the above quality indicator is relevant to high quality care for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
ValidityPlease rate the validity of the above indicator (1 = not valid, 9 = valid). In doing so, consider whether:
There is adequate scientific evidence or professional consensus to support the indicator
There are identifiable health benefits to patients who receive care specified by the indicator
A physician with significantly higher rates of adherence to the indicator would be considered a higher quality provider, in your experience
The majority of factors that determine adherence to the factor are under the control of the physician
FeasibilityPlease rate the feasibility of the above indicator (1 = not feasible, 9 = feasible).
In doing so, consider whether:
The information necessary to determine adherence to the quality indicator described above is possible to find in an average medical record
Failure to document such information itself is a marker of poor quality of care
The estimate of adherence to the indicator based on medical record data is likely to be reliable and unbiased
UseConsidering the above quality indicator, please rate how likely (1 = not likely, 9 = likely) you would be to use or encourage the use of the measure for internal quality improvement in your practice/center