Table 2.

Muscle biopsy features, treatments, and duration of disease at biopsy according to autoantibody subsets in patients with dermatomyositis (DM).

All DM, n = 91All Jo1, n = 13; 14%Jo1 with Ro52, n = 9; 10%Jo1 without Ro52, n = 4; 4%Anti–TIF1-γ, n = 25; 27%NXP2, n = 17; 19%Mi-2, n = 12; 13%MDA5, n = 5; 5%PM-Scl, n = 9; 10%Ro52, n = 22; 24%No Antibody, n = 15; 16%
Perivascular inflammation56 (62%)9 (69%)8 (89%)1 (25%)16 (64%)11 (65%)10 (83%)1 (20%)7 (78%)15 (68%)6 (40%)
Perifascicular atrophy46 (51%)8 (62%)7 (78%)1 (25%)16 (64%)9 (53%)8 (67%)2 (40%)3 (33%)12 (55%)4 (27%)
Primary inflammation21 (23%)4 (31%)4 (44%)0 (0%)3 (12%)0 (0%)6 (50%)0 (0%)6 (67%)6 (27%)3 (20%)
Mitochondrial dysfunction*14 (28%)2 (25%)2 (29%)0 (0%)7 (47%)2 (25%)2 (29%)1 (50%)0 (0%)4 (29%)1 (14%)
Necrotizing myopathy15 (16%)2 (15%)0 (0%)2 (50%)2 (8%)3 (18%)1 (8%)0 (0%)2 (22%)4 (18%)4 (27%)
Immunosuppressant prior to biopsy**55 (61%)8 (62%)6 (67%)2 (50%)17 (71%)7 (44%)7 (58%)5 (100%)5 (56%)15 (68%)9 (60%)
Taking immunosuppressant during biopsy49 (56%)6 (55%)5 (63%)1 (33%)16 (67%)7 (44%)6 (50%)4 (100%)4 (44%)17 (81%)6 (40%)
Corticosteroids during biopsy**42 (47%)4 (31%)3 (33%)1 (25%)14 (58%)6 (38%)6 (50%)4 (80%)3 (33%)14 (64%)5 (33%)
Days from the onset of symptoms to the biopsy, median Q1–Q3290 (117–615)721 (531–874)721 (599–1022)654 (275–802)270 (92–561)125 (66–293)163 (58–402)403 (296–637)232 (114–1880)497 (291–874)435 (289–919)
  • * Because not all biopsies were stained with cytochrome oxidase, mitochondrial dysfunction could not be assessed in all cases.

  • ** Data available for 90 patients.

  • Data available for 88 patients. TIF1-γ: transcriptional intermediary factor 1-γ.