Table 2.

Intensive care management of patients with SSc, including in-hospital survivors and those who died. Data were available for all 41 patients. Values are n (%) or median (IQR) unless otherwise specified.

VariableAll Patients, n = 41Survived, n = 25Died, n = 16p*
Time from hospital to ICU admission, days1 (0–4)1 (0–2)1 (0–11)0.58
Reasons for ICU admission0.42
  Acute respiratory failure27 (65.8)16 (64)11 (68.7)
  Acute renal failure6 (14.6)5 (20)1 (6.2)
  Others8 (19.5)4 (16)4 (25)
Main diagnosis0.07
  Pulmonary infection**14 (34.1)7 (28)7 (43.7)
  Cardiovascular complications8 (19.5)3 (12)5 (31.2)
  Scleroderma renal crisis7 (17)5 (20)2 (12.5)
  Others12 (29.2)10 (40)2 (12.5)
Admission characteristics
  Mean arterial pressure88 (77–104)92 (81–105)79 (71–98)0.03
  Glasgow coma scale15 (15–15)15 (15–15)14 (7–15)0.01
  Serum protein level, g/l69 (59–73)70 (63–76)59 (52–68)0.002
  Serum creatinine level, µmol/l88 (56–160)72 (52–204)101 (90–170)0.10
  Serum bilirubin level, µmol/l7.5 (4–11.7)6 (3–9)12 (5–27)0.007
Admission severity scores
  SAPS2, points38 (23–53)26 (22–36)55 (41–89)< 0.001
  SOFA, points4 (4–7)4 (2–5)7 (5–11)< 0.001
Life-sustaining interventions
  Noninvasive ventilation13 (31.7)6 (24)7 (43.7)0.30
  Invasive mechanical ventilation13 (31.7)2 (8)11 (68.7)< 0.001
  Vasopressors13 (31.7)1 (4)12 (75)< 0.001
  Renal replacement therapy12 (29.2)3 (12)9 (56.2)0.002
In-ICU length of stay, days3 (2–7)2 (2–3)5 (3–11)0.005
  • * Comparisons were made between survivors and those who died.

  • ** Microbiological documentation in 5 patients: Streptococcus pneumoniae (n = 2), Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae (n = 1), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n = 1), Pneumocystis jirovecii (n = 1).

  • Cardiovascular complications: acute pulmonary edema (2), myocarditis (2), pulmonary embolism (2), out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (1), acute right ventricular failure (1).

  • Others: acute respiratory failure without any definite diagnosis (5), drug-induced pneumonitis (1), DRESS syndrome (1), meningeal hemorrhage (1), acute cytolytic hepatitis (1), pneumothorax (1). SSc: systemic sclerosis; IQR: interquartile range; ICU: intensive care unit; SAPS2: Simplified Acute Physiology Score 2; SOFA: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; DRESS: Drug Reaction with Eosinophila and Systemic Symptoms.