Table 1.

Baseline demographics and disease characteristics of Week 12 response subgroups (n = 268). Values are mean ± SD or n (%) unless otherwise specified.

VariableJointa and Skinb Remission, n = 43Joint Remission Onlya, n = 30Skin Remission Onlyb, n = 101Neither Skin nor Joint Remissionc, n = 94
Age, yrs45.6 ± 10.839.4 ± 10.248.2 ± 11.346.5 ± 10.7
Female17 (39.5)8 (26.7)48 (47.5)35 (37.2)
Psoriasis duration, yrs19.5 ± 11.618.1 ± 11.120.1 ± 12.322.0 ± 13.7
Arthritis duration, yrs10.4 ± 7.77.4 ± 7.011.9 ± 8.512.1 ± 9.0
PsA duration, yrs10.2 ± 7.77.3 ± 7.011.2 ± 7.811.8 ± 8.8
Previous anti-TNF, ETN and/or IFX7 (16.3)5 (16.7)9 (8.9)17 (18.1)
Concomitant DMARD34 (79.1)15 (50.0)83 (82.2)64 (68.1)
CRP, mg/dl1.87 ± 1.801.46 ± 1.331.62 ± 1.971.96 ± 2.23
TJC, 0–78, n ± SD14.0 ± 7.612.5 ± 9.022.7 ± 13.721.0 ± 14.4
SJC, 0–76, n ± SD8.9 ± 4.99.3 ± 8.911.9 ± 9.310.7 ± 7.6
  Mild14 (32.6)5 (16.7)40 (39.6)16 (17.0)
  Mild to moderate14 (32.6)6 (20.0)22 (21.8)14 (14.9)
  Moderate10 (23.3)7 (23.3)29 (28.7)32 (34.0)
  Moderate to severe3 (7.0)7 (23.3)8 (7.9)24 (25.5)
  Severe2 (4.7)3 (7.0)2 (2.0)8 (8.5)
PGA disease activity, VAS 0–100 mm49.7 ± 17.354.0 ± 21.351.8 ± 17.856.1 ± 17.6
PtGA disease activity, VAS 0–100 mm66.7 ± 17.662.5 ± 20.563.6 ± 19.060.8 ± 19.7
PtGA pain, VAS 0–100 mm63.2 ± 21.859.2 ± 24.065.4 ± 20.860.9 ± 20.8
HAQ-DI1.07 ± 0.591.02 ± 0.621.30 ± 0.611.25 ± 0.57
  • a TJC ≤ 1 + SJC ≤ 1.

  • b PGA = clear/almost clear.

  • c TJC > 1 + SJC > 1 + PGA > clear/almost clear. PsA: psoriatic arthritis; anti-TNF: anti-tumor necrosis factor; ETN: etanercept; IFX: infliximab; DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; CRP: C-reactive protein; TJC: tender joint count; SJC: swollen joint count; PGA: physician’s global assessment of psoriasis; VAS: visual analog scale; PtGA: patient’s global assessment; HAQ-DI: Health Assessment Questionnaire–Disability Index.