Table 3.

Permanent organ damage according to the VDI in 13 patients with TA. Values are n (%). VDI items not registered in our patients are not shown in this table.

Items of DamageNo. Patients
Major vessel stenosis113 (100)
Claudication18 (62)
Absent peripheral pulses7 (54)
Valvular disease6 (46)
Hypertension6 (46)
Mesenteric insufficiency/pancreatitis3 (23)
Angina/CABG12 (15)
Myocardial infarction12 (15)
Skin ulcers1 (8)
Avascular necrosis21 (8)
Cataract21 (8)
Impaired pulmonary test31 (8)
Gut infarction/resection31 (8)
Diabetes21 (8)
Other damage/drug reaction8 (62)
  • 1 Major vascular damage.

  • 2 Treatment-related damage.

  • 3 Critical damage.

  • VDI: vasculitis damage index; TA: Takayasu arteritis; CABG: coronary artery bypass graft.