Table 3.

Diagnostic accuracy and OR of RA-related antibodies in prediagnosis serum samples for future RA. Positivity for RF defined on clinical recommendations as present in < 5% of 491 healthy blood donors: RF > 24.4 units/ml; RF-IgM > 13.6 units/ml; RF-IgG > 10.9 units/ml; and RF-IgA > 10.5 units/ml. Positivity for anti-CCP2 based on manufacturer specifications at > 5 units/ml. Positivity for anti-CarP defined as ≥ 2 SD above the mean in healthy controls reserved to define cutoff: anti-CarP-FCS > 427.4 units/ml and anti-CarP-Fib > 233.9 units/ml.

AntibodyRA, +/76Control, +/41SN, %SP, %OR95% CIp
RF27/761/4135.597.622.042.87–169.36< 0.01
RF IgM32/765/4142.–14.82< 0.01
RF IgG11/763/4114.592.72.140.56–8.170.26
RF IgA30/763/4139.592.78.262.34–29.19< 0.01
≥ 1 RF*43/769/4156.678.14.631.95–11.03< 0.01
≥ 2 RF*29/763/4138.292.77.822.21–27.64< 0.01
Anti-CarP-FCS20/762/4126.395.16.961.54–31.50< 0.01
Anti-CCP2 and/or ≥ 1 RF*48/769/4163.–14.61< 0.01
Anti-CCP2 and/or ≥ 1 RF* and/or anti-CarP-FCS49/7611/4164.573.24.952.15–11.41< 0.01
Anti-CCP2 and/or ≥ 2 RF*41/763/4153.992.714.844.21–52.25< 0.01
Anti-CCP2 and/or ≥ 2 RF* and/or anti-CarP-FCS43/765/4156.687.89.383.32–26.53< 0.01
  • RA cases positive for RF and/or CCP2 sample n = 166, avg. sample/subject = 2.5; controls sample n = 135, avg. sample/subject = 3.3.

  • Contains the following statistics: SN and SP.

  • * Count of RF by Neph and RF isotypes (IgM, IgG, IgA). RA: rheumatoid arthritis; RF: rheumatoid factor; Neph: nephelometry; IgM: immunoglobulin M; anti-CCP2: anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies version 2; anti-CarP: anti-carbamylated protein; FCS: fetal calf serum; Fib: fibrinogen; SN: sensitivity; SP: specificity; +/n: n positive over the case/control group size; NA: OR, 95% CI, and p cannot be calculated because no controls met positivity criteria.