Table 3.

Neuropsychological performances of corticosteroid-naive patients with SLE versus healthy controls: univariate analysis. Data are median (interquartile range).

Neurocognitive TestsPatients with SLE, n = 43Controls, n = 30p
Digit Span, Forwarda8 (7–9)8 (6.8–9.3)0.814
Trail Making Test, Part Bb75 (65–95)60.5 (54.8–78.3)0.001c
Digit Span, Backwarda7 (6–8)7 (6–8.3)0.977
  Categories achieved5 (1–6)5 (3.8–6)0.148
  Total errorsb13 (9.8–20.3)11 (10–13.3)0.126
  Perseverative errorsb0 (0–2)0 (0–1)0.190
  Difficulty of maintaining setb1 (0–3)0 (0–2)0.144
  Trial I to V, immediate recall55 (48–61)60 (53.8–64)0.022c
  Trial VII, delayed recall13 (11–14)13 (12–14)0.256
  Recognition14 (13–15)14 (14–15)0.722
Block Designa45 (42–49)47 (42.8–51.5)0.090
Word Fluency Test (Animal Naming)17 (16–20)18.5 (17–22.3)0.099
Similaritiesa18 (16–21)20 (17.5–22.3)0.066
Trail Making Test, Part Ab65 (54–78)51.5 (43.8–59.8)0.001c
Digit Symbol Substitutiona65 (61–73)79 (68.8–85.3)< 0.001c
  • P values were determined by Mann-Whitney U test.

  • a Subsets of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised.

  • b Higher score signifies worse function.

  • c Significant variables. KWCST: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Keio version; RAVLT: Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test.