Baseline characteristics of seronegative subjects meeting RA criteria compared to those not meeting criteria. Meeting criteria for RA was defined as meeting either the 1987 ACR RA criteria or the 2010 ACR/EULAR RA criteria. Values are n (%) unless otherwise specified.

CharacteristicsSeronegative Patients Meeting RA Criteria, n = 179nSeronegative Patients Not Meeting RA Criteria, n = 37np
Age, yrs, mean (SD)58 (14)17953 (15)370.1082
Male53 (30)17914 (38)370.3343
Symptom duration, days, mean (SD)161 (83)179196 (102)370.0245
Ever smoker92 (52)17819 (52)371
SJC28, mean (SD)9.7 (6.7)1793.4 (4.3)32< 0.0001
TJC28, mean (SD)10.4 (7.1)1793.1 (3.5)32< 0.0001
ESR, mean (SD)26.3 (22.9)17418.6 (16.0)370.0176
CRP, mg/l, mean (SD)15.3 (19.6)1687.0 (6.8)370.0119
Erosions53 (34)1555 (19)260.1737
DAS28, mean (SD)5.2 (1.6)1713.6 (1.4)32< 0.0001
HAQ, mean (SD)0.67 (0.66)1640.53 (0.56)350.2358
DMARD154 (87)17724 (80)300.3904
Biologics4 (3)1771 (3)300.5467
Corticosteroids102 (58)17718 (60)300.8442
  • RA: rheumatoid arthritis; ACR: American College of Rheumatology; EULAR: European League Against Rheumatism; SJC28: swollen joint count of 28 joints; TJC28: tender joint count of 28 joints; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C-reactive protein; DAS28: 28-joint Disease Activity Score; HAQ: Health Assessment Questionnaire; DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drug.