Table 1.

Demographics and rheumatoid serology of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and control groups.

CharacteristicsHIV Group, n = 43Control Group, n = 43p
Age, yrs, mean (SD)47.1 (10.1)45.7 (8.0)NS
Mean (SD) age at RA diagnosis, yrs36.4 (12.1)38.5 (8.0)NS
Mean (SD) total RA disease duration, yrs10.5 (8.5)7.1 (3.8)0.02
Mean (SD) HIV disease duration, yrs2.9 (2.0)
Female: Male39:440:3
RF (%)38 (88)32 (74)NS
  • NS: not significant; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; RF: rheumatoid factor.