Swollen and tender joint counts for the 4 cohorts of patients who met the ACR/EULAR 2010 RA criteria at baseline.

Cohort 1, 1990–1994, n = 614Cohort 2, 1995–1999, n = 456Cohort 3, 2000–2004, n = 347Cohort 4, 2005–2008, n = 307p*
Swollen joints, 28, median [IQR]614/6149 [4, 14]456/4567 [2, 12]347/3475 [2, 10]307/3074 [2, 8]< 0.001
Tender joints, 28, median [IQR]614/61410 [4, 16]456/4568 [3, 15]347/3476 [2, 14]307/3077 [2, 13]< 0.001
Swollen and tender, 28, median [IQR]614/6145 [1, 10]456/4563 [0, 8]347/3472 [0, 5]307/3072 [0, 5]< 0.001
  • * Statistical significance set at 0.05 level. ACR: American College of Rheumatology; EULAR: European League Against Rheumatism; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; IQR: interquartile range.