Table 2.

Ophthalmologic findings of patients with diplopia.

CaseSexAge, yrsVAOphthalmologic SymptomsOphthalmologic Diagnosis
1f651.21.2Vertical temporary diplopia of 2 weeks’ duration followed by hypotropia and ptosis, OD, and then esodeviation and abduction deficiency, ODPartial oculomotor deficit, OD
Abduction deficit, OD
2f720.90.9Temporary diplopia (3 episodes within 8 days)Not known
3m760.80.9Temporary diplopia (1 episode, 1-day duration), followed by right inferior visual field loss, ODDecompensated exophoria AION, OD
4m750.70.7Headache, followed by diplopia a week later with a transient 1-month durationAbduction deficit, OD
5m760.30.2Blurred vision and reading problems (3 days’ duration), progressed to vision loss, OU
Congruent paracentral scotoma left inferior
Abduction deficit, OS (probably the cause of blurred vision initially) Suspected AION, OS
No CNS ischemia (MRI)
6m760.80.9Vision impairment, OS preceded by unclear near-vision within 3 days. Persistent diplopia indicated prism correction.Abduction deficit, OU AION, OS
7f771.01.0Unclear vision, followed by 1–3 episodes of temporary horizontal diplopia per day for a total of 5 daysHistory compatible with abduction deficit
8f801.01.0Temporary vertical diplopia, tilted images resolved immediately after initiating prednisone therapySuspected resolved trochlear deficit
9m69LP1.0Black spots/flickering light phenomena of 4 days’ duration, followed by progressive irreversible visual loss, ODAbduction deficit, OD
Central artery occlusion, OD
  • VA: visual acuity; LP: light perception; DD: differential diagnosis; OD: right eye; OS: left eye; OU: both eyes; AION: anterior ischemic optic neuropathy; CNS: central nervous system; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging.