Table 2.

Compliance to exercise during the 2-year followup in the exercise group.

CaseSex, F/M, (age), yrsDX, PM/DMDX, Duration, mos0–12 Wks Home Exercise, % of 600–12 Wks, Walks, % of 6012–24 Wks, Exercise/Walks per Wk, n24–104 Wks, Exercise/Walks per Wk, n
1F (53)PM4#73a,c,d871/30/4
2M (61)PM130b1002/30/4
3F (44)DM3100b1002/72/7
4eF (41)DM5#66a,c00/0
5F (74)PM292a903/53/7
6F (65)DM275a671–2/52/5
7F (50)DM2100b1001/70/7f
8gF (62)DM370a,c,h650/0
9F (23)PM1.5100b1002/62/6
10F (60)PM187b981/71/7
  • a = performed the easy-intensity home exercise program.

  • b = performed the moderate-intensity home exercise program.

  • c = divided each home exercise session in 2 halves.

  • d = could not exercise for the first 2 weeks because of nausea, vomiting, and muscle pain;

  • e = died before 24-week followup from fast-progressing alveolitis;

  • f = had a mild relapse with slightly increased disease activity at 36 weeks;

  • g = died before 24-week followup from ovarian cancer;

  • h = did not exercise for about 2 weeks because of hospitalization for severe skin rash infection.

  • # = Slow response to glucocorticoid treatment with no clinical signs of improvement during the first 3 months. Patients were included when they perceived clinical improvement. DX: diagnosis; PM: polymyositis; DM: dermatomyositis; % of 60: % of maximal 60 sessions during 12 weeks