Table 1.

Percent of all randomized patients who achieved CID at any visit, elapsed time to the first occurrence, and total time spent in CID, by initial treatment arm.

Baseline TreatmentMEPb, n = 42MTXc, n = 43Total, n = 85pa
No. (%) achieving CID30 (71.4)28 (65.1)58 (68.2)0.64
No. (%) not achieving CID12 (28.6)15 (34.9)27 (31.8)
Days to first observation in CID
  Mean (SD)187 (89)199 (85)193 (86)
Total days of observation in CID
  Mean (SD)124 (73)92 (65)109 (71)
Percent of total days of observation in CID
  Mean (SD)38 (22)33 (24)36 (23)
  • a p values (family-wise Bonferroni corrected) based on Mann-Whitney U test and refer to the comparison between MEP and MTX;

  • b Methotrexate, blind etanercept, blind prednisolone tapered to zero by 17 weeks;

  • c Methotrexate, blind placebo etanercept, blind placebo prednisolone. CID: clinically inactive disease.