Table 3.

Relative risk for achieving normal SF-36 PCS and MCS scores among patients who achieved ASDAS inactive disease at weeks 52 and 104a.

Patients with ASDAS Inactive Disease
SF-36 PCS Score
  PCS ≥ 50 at Week 52, n (%)20 (9.8)60 (57.4)
  Relative risk (p value)5.5 (< 0.0001)
  PCS ≥ 50 at Week 104, n (%)17 (10.5)76 (65.5)
  Relative risk (p value)6.1 (< 0.0001)
SF-36 MCS Score
  MCS ≥ 50 at Week 52, n (%)101 (49.5)68 (64.8)
  Relative risk (p value)1.1 (0.0833)
  MCS ≥ 50 at week 104, n (%)81 (50.0)86 (74.1)
  Relative risk (p value)1.1 (0.0454)
  • a All patients who were randomized to placebo switched to golimumab at Week 16 (early escape) or Week 24 (prespecified crossover). ASDAS: Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score; SF-36 PCS/MCS: Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 physical component summary/mental component summary.