Table 2.

Prevalence of anxiety and depression among patients with PsA and PsC.

VariablesFrequency (%) or Mean (SD)p
PsC, n = 135PsA, n = 306
  HADS-A score5.59 (3.62)6.13 (3.86)0.17
  Possible clinical disorder21 (15.6%)66 (21.6%)0.14
  Probable clinical disorder12 (8.9%)46 (15.0%)0.08
  Total33 (24.4%)112 (36.6%)0.01
  HADS-D score2.76 (2.94)4.51 (3.76)< 0.0001
  Possible clinical disorder10 (7.4%)40 (13.1%)0.08
  Probable clinical disorder2 (2.2%)28 (9.2%)0.01
  Total13 (9.6%)68 (22.3%)0.002
Anxiety and depression
  Both probable clinical disorders3 (2.2%)12 (3.9%)0.36
  Both possible or probable (total)9 (6.7%)54 (17.7%)0.002
  • Possible clinical disorder: HADS 8–10. Probable clinical disorder: HADS ≥ 11. Total: HADS ≥ 8. HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HADS-A: HADS anxiety subscale; HADS-D: HADS depression subscale; PsA: psoriatic arthritis; PsC: psoriasis without PsA.