Table 2.

Grades of newly occurring clinically notable abnormalities in white blood cells and absolute neutrophils from Week 20 through to the end of the study, by laboratory test and treatment (safety set).

Laboratory TestSecukinumab, n (%)
25 mg, n = 1875 mg, n = 23150 mg, n = 115300 mg, n = 60
White blood cells (total), 109/l
  Grade 1 (3–LLN)03 (13.0)6 (5.2)6 (10.0)
  Grade 2 (2–3)01 (4.3)6 (5.2)0
  Grade 3 (1–2)01 (4.3)00
  Grade 4 (< 1)0000
Absolute neutrophils (segments + bands), 109/l
  Grade 1 (1.5–LLN)01 (4.3)3 (2.6)0
  Grade 2 (1.0–1.5)005 (4.3)1 (1.7)
  Grade 3 (0.5–1.0)02 (8.7)5 (4.3)0
  Grade 4 (< 0.5)0001 (1.7)
  • LLN: lower limit of normal.